Real Estate – VAPIANO


If you think that Vapiano would be a perfect fit for a particular location you have available, please contact us

Best offer for rental

We have various requirements for properties, please see the information below.




1a/b or 2a/b.

Central locations in towns with more than 100,000 inhabitants

Areas surrounded by shopping and high volume offices


Ideal size: 600 sqm to 1,000 sqm

Ground floor at least 300 sqm,

Side areas in the cellar or partly on the first floor

In the case of 2 floors, an elevator is necessary


Preferably at a corner or in well-visible, highly frequented locations

High and large window fronts in modern architecture or

High-quality old buildings or renovated buildings

At least 10 m of window front


High ceilings and light rooms

As square as possible due to our open kitchens

Possibility for delivery by 40t truck

Outdoor terrace


Ventilation system with air conditioning, approx. 5 to 6 air changes in the dining area and 10-fold air change in the kitchen

Power connection offering at least 180 kW and a series fuse of 200 A

Gas would be advantageous; grease separator is essential

Size of guest and staff WCs depending on local approval

Rental Criteria

Long-term rental contracts with options

Security: by bank guarantee

No restrictions with respect to opening times or food and/or beverages on offer

No advertising associations or turnover announcements


Apply for Real Estate rental

You will be asked to provide some information which will let us know how you fit into our concept. The form will guide you through the first steps of the process.